Well hello everybody, it's me -- once again back from the brink. I warned you when I began this blog that my problem with depression (Bipolar Disorder) would interfere with my communications to you, and to my regret -- my true regret -- it has. I am so sorry -- but the clouds are lifting and I believe that the worst is over. Without Herbalife I cannot imagine having lived through the last year.
Depressed people don't eat -- or they eat too too much. If you have anyone in your life that is going through hard times -- and so very many of us are -- Herbalife offers solutions that are inexpensive and easy to find. Don't let anyone try to tell you that our meal replacements are expensive -- if you think paying about $1.75 for a meal that is utterly restorative, uh -- you might want to re-think that!
I amuse myself (for I am beyond embarrassment) by telling people that when I started on Herbalife last year, I was in a total, all-out bed-ridden depression. My only form of exercise was rolling from one side of my bed to the other!! hahahaha! And I will tell you further that I rolled through 3 pairs of flannel pajama bottoms in that horrible winter when I lost my life savings and fell into the pit of despair.
Enter Herbalife -- 5 weeks later I'd lost 15 pounds and at least could go out of the house without feeling I needed and WANTED a burqua! Some of you know how this is. 5 months later I'd lost 35 pounds, as some of you know. But I've suffered a relapse YES SUFFERED A RELAPSE and as this is an honest blog, it is confessional time!
What happened? How could I go backwards?
I didn't have my miracle products -- it's as simple as that. I had adapted to a diet of Formula One shakes with extra protein powder, the addictive candy/protein bars -- which feel like sin but do the body good as they have 10 protein grams and only 4 grams of sugar -- and my favorite energy treat: a combo of HL energy drink LiftOff, their electrolyte balancing, energizing drink H30 Fitness Drink, and finally either the Mango Peach or the Wildberry Beverage Mix, which has 15 protein grams!
Now this little recipe is mine -- I like combining things, and I found that this particular combo satisfies me on many levels -- I take some dehydrating meds and the H30 really helps me with that. The Beverage Mixes are tasty and so easy to knock back, as a client said. Finally, I don't drink coffee but I DO like an extra boost,
and that's what the LiftOff provides. Be careful though -- two tablets in a day keeps me awake longer than I should be.
You should be aware that each of these is meant stand on its own, but I find the combination delightful, refreshing and energizing. It also helps me fulfill my protein requirements -- most women need about 75-100 protein grams a day to maintain lean muscle mass. We'll talk about that another day!
When I relapsed and gained back oh sheesh about 15 pounds -- I did not have my products. I had the shakes, which are great, but on my own I just don't get the protein I need, and my sweetie likes to bring me pastries and all the wrong foods to cheer me up. Men don't get it -- most women don't want to be fattened up like the prize pig at the county fair, oh no we don't.
I was off the program for several weeks -- we were having a very hard time financially and I couldn't even afford my own stuff! We didn't have heat, can you believe it -- the recession has bitten us in the backside, I can tell you that! No heat in this house for two years! Ah well, better days are at hand. I have crawled out of my bedroom to find that life is really rather glorious after all.
Anyway, I'm back on track, and despite my fear of the scale, I can tell I'm going down again. It happens -- don't lose heart. So many people that have tried Herbalife freak out after a month or two and don't let it work its magic, which makes me sad. Herbalife rocks -- 30 years in the best laboratories working on ways to make nutrition work on a molecular, cellular way. They've achieved near-miracles, and I cheerfully invite you to join me on this path to better health! I lost mine at age 17 -- I don't suppose you would believe me if I told you that at age 62 (sigh, yes, it's true) I feel better than I felt in my 20's, but it is absolutely true.
So -- if Herbalife can help me, one of the sickliest people (from birth) (mommy smoked & drank but she didn't know any better) -- I believe it can help you too, whether your goal is to lose weight or to gain it -- or simply TO FEEL BETTER.
My heartfelt advice to anyone who wants to feel more healthy is to investigate these products and drink a shake a day for the rest of your life. In one year I have 60% less gray in my hair -- that's impressive. My sweetheart was brought back from the brink of death and rejuvenated. This company and its products are not just about weight loss -- they are about global well-being! Herbalife is now in almost 75 countries -- which, considering import & export laws, is absolutely mindblowing.
Next blog -- I'll stop now as I've gone on long enough -- will be about a lovely new client that found us on the Yellow Pages online -- he was introduced to HL in RUSSIA, tried it -- whoops, I'm giving away my story already. I'll stop now and bid you a pleasant evening. If you want to check out our site, it's at http://herbal-nutrition.net/julieandpatrick --
Happy Trails for now! And thanks to twitter client "amomslove" for giving our site a shout-out today through feedjit!
julie and patrick