Monday, September 21, 2009

Tying Up A Few Loose Ends

Hello out there!

Well, hmm. Before I go any further, I should catch you up on what happened with our adventure -- and it really was one -- with the Burning Man tribe. I have always known that good ideas are best launched when you have enough time to put them into play -- and so it was with us.

We made some -- mistakes. Only one, but it caused us some problems. My dear friend Troy posted something that looked suspiciously like an ad in his Lake Tahoe Hoopsters/Burners theme camp email list (tell you truly I have NO idea what happened, but they did not like it!) Suddenly we were "spammers" which is just NOT what you want to have a reputation for at a place like Burning Man -- it's just anathema to the basic principles of the Event, and nothing we would have EVER wanted. Accidents will happen -- and our ability to get a local permit was quashed.

In order to get some help with the local permit process, Patrick wrote his old friend "Danger Ranger", one of the two founding fathers of Burning Man, whom he's known for a few decades. Danger wrote him a scathing letter accusing him of being a heathen spammer. Patrick was crushed. After a few days I wrote Patrick's friend myself, explaining the situation properly and all was well. We'll be well prepared for next year -- our two boys got free tickets to the Burn this year and had a wonderful time, and all worked out harmoniously. We'll most likely be in Gerlach next year with a big truck and our survival paks, permit included.

Our momentum, though, was seriously messed up. We're just now getting it back.

I had great fun launching the B-Man Nutrition Pak website. We're going to have to come up with a better name for this new concept of ours: Herbalife energy foods for hikers, campers, athletes, festival goers, etc. -- the concept of "branding" is EVERYWHERE these days, and it is important.

We are very much open to suggestions relative to naming our nutrition survival paks, and in fact have decided to have a product-naming contest! OR -- if you think "Nutrition Survival Paks" is okay -- Patrick and I would like to hear about it. Details will come later!

Now you may wonder how we know anybody's reading this blog at all! Well, I have this wonderful little gadget called "Statcounter" at which allows me to see how many people see my site each day, how long they spend here, and where they're from -- I love that! I was so incredibly excited last week as 7 people from Ukraine visited this place! That thrills me -- the fact that people from as far away as India, China, Iran, Brazil, Moldova, the UK -- etc. come here makes me happy, and I would welcome dialogue with anyone who comes from a sincere and gentle space -- very much so!

This post is admittedly a little "rambly" as there were a few loose ends I wanted to tie up for anyone who might be paying attention. Now we are turning our attention to Local Weight Loss Challenges in our Marin Neighborhood -- after what has happened with my body and health -- and Patrick's in a different way -- I want so much to help people attain a greater state of wellness.

I've been sickly all my life and I've never felt better. I KNOW greater physical well-being is possible with PATIENCE AND THE RIGHT ATTITUDE AND HERBALIFE PRODUCTS!! I have been both frustrated and amused by the number of my friends that have tried the products for a few weeks or a month -- "it's not working!" "It's taking too long!" "I like food too much!" -- it's a little hard to be detached and patient when you know what can be achieved with -- like I said earlier, patience, the right attitude (which is "I WILL SUCCEED at improving my health and losing weight!") and these magical Herbalife products.

Thirty years in the most sophisticated laboratories to produce the most absorbable, complete nutrition imaginable. Targeted -- vitamins, minerals, herbs and proteins all easily taken into the body in exactly the places necessary. Sounds good to me.

For those of you who are interested -- I won't push you, but I'd love to discuss diet and health with you. Herbalife literally saved my Patrick's life, and I am proud to distribute it.

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