Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy New Year to One and to All!

Well hello everyone -- I have been AWOL from this blog for quite some time.  We could not get the Weight Loss Challenge going before the holidays, but we are about to start again.  I've been spending these lovely rainy days wondering how best to communicate with people about joining up in one of our Challenges, especially when the rain is coming down so hard that it's absurd to think of posting anything!  When my girls came home for the holidays we threw our hands up in the air and decided to start up again in the New Year.

A sunny day will come and we shall poster again, and meanwhile I know there are many, many people out there facing the "battle of the bulge" post-holidays!  We'd like to help, and will be letting you know when we intend to begin the first Weight Loss Challenge in Marin in 2010.  Come one, come many!  

I hope you all had a great time over the holidays!  If you've any questions about what it is that makes Herbalife so special, feel free!  I'm going to be talking about that in any case very soon.  I'll leave you with these special words:

1.  "targeted cellular nutrition"

2.  Julie (that would be me) lost 30 pounds in 6 months to her utter shock!

3.  Julie now has at least 60% less gray hair than she did before last April.

4.  Patrick has recovered from two life-threatening illnesses and he's got his   health back!

5.  People who haven't seen us for some months are truly surprised at how      
good we look! That's a great experience at any age, but especially now!

Naturally, it follows as night follows day that we have developed a great and undying loyalty to the products that have saved our lives as well as our love-life.  I literally cannot imagine not being able to use these super-foods.

Well all right!  I'll be back soon.  I plan on including a lot more research in the months to come.  We need to discuss what part protein plays in weight loss.  We need to examine what molecular nutrition means. There's a lot to discuss.  I look forward to 2010 -- I've found health, and it's a great place to live.  I'd like to bring as many of you as I can to that neighborhood.  Talk to you soon!

Cheers, dears!



  1. No better time them now to go get them for your "Challenge". And no better line of products to do it with. My mom lost weight back in 1993 and uses the products to this day. I lost 22lbs in two weeks back in 1993. I was 19 at the time so that helped too but my energy and asthma improved dramatically too. So good luck in 2010 and remember...your company has a great history, proven leaders and as long as you support your customers every step of the way, you have a huge following.

    Seth V

  2. Thank you Seth, for the encouraging words. I really appreciate them. I used to be so skeptical about Herbalife until the products completely transformed my body -- now I just want to spread the word. I really truly appreciate your comment, and have a great year!
