Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Registration Open for Weight Loss Challenges!

Well, I am thrilled to say that we've booked space for our first official Herbalife Weight Loss Challenges -- and we've registered, as of this morning, our first (very excited) participant.  We've got about 10 days before "showtime" and I must admit to a teeny case of nerves (to put it mildly!).  We're doing our flyers in the next few days, getting in supplies, studying our materials and generally getting ready to put our best selves into this.

It's taken a while to build to this point.  Honestly, with the bad rap Direct Marketing has gotten over the years, we wanted to be utterly certain that these products were all that was advertised.  If one wants to be certain, the only way you really can be is to use the products yourself -- and judge for yourself.

Some of you will have seen posts about our results before -- but I will re-cap briefly.  Patrick and I have been drinking Herbalife Formula One shakes since April -- other than that we have been carrying on as usual.  Nothing else has been different -- although I have been exercising less frequently than desirable, particularly for a person who wanted to lose weight. 

My issues were the 35 extra pounds I'd packed on after spinal surgeries and quitting smoking.  Yeow!!  Also my continual lack of energy and sense of wellness -- I've never been healthy -- because of thyroid issues I lost my energy when I was about 17.  After six months of this incredible product I am a good 30-35 pounds lighter and I feel better than I've felt since I was -- 17.  I am several decades past that point, but barely feel like it!  And in six months I have lost about 60% of the gray in my hair -- and my hairdresser Rita will attest to that.  When she saw what had happened to me she wanted the products for herself -- NOW!

And all I did was to add a yummy, delicious shake to my diet every day.  That is literally the only change I made ...  besides the protein bars I am addicted to, that is!

Patrick's issues were quite different.  He too added a shake to his daily diet -- but NOT for purposes of weight loss.  He doesn't need that at all.  What he did need was a way back from two near-death experiences in the last few years.  He almost died twice -- of an overwhelming array of infections in his bloodstream due to gum disease, and a year later of pneumonia that did not respond to the first antibiotic.  His health was shot.  Six months later he is totally rejuvenated -- and our sex life, which was dead in the water for  5 years, miraculously returned after two months on this product! 

Has any of this gotten your attention?  It certainly has ours -- experiences of radical rejuvenation as we both have experienced are not common in our over-fed and under-nourished society.  However, they are normal as can be over in Herbalife-Land. 

I suppose if a company puts thirty years of research into the science of nutrition -- how to make the body, down to the very most basic cellular building blocks, receive optimal nutrition in the best way possible, eventually people will take notice.  Targeted cellular nutrition -- works.  In fact from the perspective of an always-ill woman who feels better than she has felt since her teens -- this has been nothing short of miraculous.  And for Patrick, who has regained both health and virility -- again, miraculous.  We are infinitely grateful, and want to spread the word.

For further info on the science of Herbalife, do visit 

For residents of Marin County CA that would like more information on our Weight Loss Challenges -- email us at  We'll be happy to answer any questions!

Patrick just ran up the stairs, saying "baby, how's this one:  'HERBALIFE:  FOOD FOR THOUGHT, FUEL FOR ACTION!'"  I like it!

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