Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Registration Open for Weight Loss Challenges!

Well, I am thrilled to say that we've booked space for our first official Herbalife Weight Loss Challenges -- and we've registered, as of this morning, our first (very excited) participant.  We've got about 10 days before "showtime" and I must admit to a teeny case of nerves (to put it mildly!).  We're doing our flyers in the next few days, getting in supplies, studying our materials and generally getting ready to put our best selves into this.

It's taken a while to build to this point.  Honestly, with the bad rap Direct Marketing has gotten over the years, we wanted to be utterly certain that these products were all that was advertised.  If one wants to be certain, the only way you really can be is to use the products yourself -- and judge for yourself.

Some of you will have seen posts about our results before -- but I will re-cap briefly.  Patrick and I have been drinking Herbalife Formula One shakes since April -- other than that we have been carrying on as usual.  Nothing else has been different -- although I have been exercising less frequently than desirable, particularly for a person who wanted to lose weight. 

My issues were the 35 extra pounds I'd packed on after spinal surgeries and quitting smoking.  Yeow!!  Also my continual lack of energy and sense of wellness -- I've never been healthy -- because of thyroid issues I lost my energy when I was about 17.  After six months of this incredible product I am a good 30-35 pounds lighter and I feel better than I've felt since I was -- 17.  I am several decades past that point, but barely feel like it!  And in six months I have lost about 60% of the gray in my hair -- and my hairdresser Rita will attest to that.  When she saw what had happened to me she wanted the products for herself -- NOW!

And all I did was to add a yummy, delicious shake to my diet every day.  That is literally the only change I made ...  besides the protein bars I am addicted to, that is!

Patrick's issues were quite different.  He too added a shake to his daily diet -- but NOT for purposes of weight loss.  He doesn't need that at all.  What he did need was a way back from two near-death experiences in the last few years.  He almost died twice -- of an overwhelming array of infections in his bloodstream due to gum disease, and a year later of pneumonia that did not respond to the first antibiotic.  His health was shot.  Six months later he is totally rejuvenated -- and our sex life, which was dead in the water for  5 years, miraculously returned after two months on this product! 

Has any of this gotten your attention?  It certainly has ours -- experiences of radical rejuvenation as we both have experienced are not common in our over-fed and under-nourished society.  However, they are normal as can be over in Herbalife-Land. 

I suppose if a company puts thirty years of research into the science of nutrition -- how to make the body, down to the very most basic cellular building blocks, receive optimal nutrition in the best way possible, eventually people will take notice.  Targeted cellular nutrition -- works.  In fact from the perspective of an always-ill woman who feels better than she has felt since her teens -- this has been nothing short of miraculous.  And for Patrick, who has regained both health and virility -- again, miraculous.  We are infinitely grateful, and want to spread the word.

For further info on the science of Herbalife, do visit 

For residents of Marin County CA that would like more information on our Weight Loss Challenges -- email us at  We'll be happy to answer any questions!

Patrick just ran up the stairs, saying "baby, how's this one:  'HERBALIFE:  FOOD FOR THOUGHT, FUEL FOR ACTION!'"  I like it!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Goal Weight Achieved! Have I Mentioned This?

Ho ho ho ha ha ha hee hee hee -- this is the cackling of a demented woman who had given up on achieving anything like -- oh, fitting into 7/8 of my clothes again, that sort of thing. The delighted sounds coming from a closet near you are the sounds of me slithering back into my jeans again. It has been a while. Ah, my clothes -- I missed you so!

I did it! Or -- it did me! It doesn't seem fair to say I did anything, because all I did was add Herbalife Formula One Shakes to my diet. As mentioned before in this space, I was at the time too depressed to exercise, and I watched in astonishment while the pounds melted away despite myself. While it's true that I don't eat a lot, I never really have. My body was holding onto weight while I tried to starve it into submission. That behavior no longer was successful after menopause. Only Herbalife had what it took to change my physical patterns; to smash into smithereens a lifelong imaginary rulebook of "do's and don'ts" that I'd evolved into some sort of dietary strategy which had failed me utterly.

Something else thrilling has been happening lately -- 14 visitors from the Ukraine to this website in the last week! What a wonderful world this can be! This thrills me almost as much as the 25 -30 lost pounds, because this big old world will be a lot happier when we all hold hands together across it.

The only reason that I do not say that the interest of international visitors thrills me more than my own weight loss is that few women in the world would believe me. I'd rather we kept things on an honest basis between us right from the start!

But WELCOME, to all of you -- from the Ukraine, the UK, India, China, Iran, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Brazil and Vietnam. I don't think many things could make me much happier than the way people have found this little site. The fact that we have such extraordinary types of technology to help us find one another across the world of words is nothing short of magical and miraculous, in my opinion.

I would also think that the appearance of visitors from around the world is another indicator that people are literally searching EVERYWHERE they can think of for answers to their questions regarding fitness, appropriate eating patterns and WEIGHT LOSS, which is a gigantic industry both on and off the Internet. Obesity and the problems that accompany it -- diabetes, heart disease, sexual dysfunction, high cholesterol -- and on and on -- are growing as rapidly as -- we are. We all know this has got to stop, but usually we prefer to wait until after dessert.

Next week's dessert.

Sound familiar? Well, it certainly does to me, as I have struggled with my body and its size and my image of its size throughout my life. If you've got something to say about your own life in the body, please know your comments will be welcome.

I've decided to moderate the posts so that people can feel safe to say whatever they might need to say without the fear of someone being inappropriate or rude or insensitive. It's something that is generally advised in order to prevent spam-bots from attacking sites -- the monitoring of posting, I mean! So if you feel you've anything you might want to chat about, start up a conversation! Surprisingly, people around the world ARE listening!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tying Up A Few Loose Ends

Hello out there!

Well, hmm. Before I go any further, I should catch you up on what happened with our adventure -- and it really was one -- with the Burning Man tribe. I have always known that good ideas are best launched when you have enough time to put them into play -- and so it was with us.

We made some -- mistakes. Only one, but it caused us some problems. My dear friend Troy posted something that looked suspiciously like an ad in his Lake Tahoe Hoopsters/Burners theme camp email list (tell you truly I have NO idea what happened, but they did not like it!) Suddenly we were "spammers" which is just NOT what you want to have a reputation for at a place like Burning Man -- it's just anathema to the basic principles of the Event, and nothing we would have EVER wanted. Accidents will happen -- and our ability to get a local permit was quashed.

In order to get some help with the local permit process, Patrick wrote his old friend "Danger Ranger", one of the two founding fathers of Burning Man, whom he's known for a few decades. Danger wrote him a scathing letter accusing him of being a heathen spammer. Patrick was crushed. After a few days I wrote Patrick's friend myself, explaining the situation properly and all was well. We'll be well prepared for next year -- our two boys got free tickets to the Burn this year and had a wonderful time, and all worked out harmoniously. We'll most likely be in Gerlach next year with a big truck and our survival paks, permit included.

Our momentum, though, was seriously messed up. We're just now getting it back.

I had great fun launching the B-Man Nutrition Pak website. We're going to have to come up with a better name for this new concept of ours: Herbalife energy foods for hikers, campers, athletes, festival goers, etc. -- the concept of "branding" is EVERYWHERE these days, and it is important.

We are very much open to suggestions relative to naming our nutrition survival paks, and in fact have decided to have a product-naming contest! OR -- if you think "Nutrition Survival Paks" is okay -- Patrick and I would like to hear about it. Details will come later!

Now you may wonder how we know anybody's reading this blog at all! Well, I have this wonderful little gadget called "Statcounter" at which allows me to see how many people see my site each day, how long they spend here, and where they're from -- I love that! I was so incredibly excited last week as 7 people from Ukraine visited this place! That thrills me -- the fact that people from as far away as India, China, Iran, Brazil, Moldova, the UK -- etc. come here makes me happy, and I would welcome dialogue with anyone who comes from a sincere and gentle space -- very much so!

This post is admittedly a little "rambly" as there were a few loose ends I wanted to tie up for anyone who might be paying attention. Now we are turning our attention to Local Weight Loss Challenges in our Marin Neighborhood -- after what has happened with my body and health -- and Patrick's in a different way -- I want so much to help people attain a greater state of wellness.

I've been sickly all my life and I've never felt better. I KNOW greater physical well-being is possible with PATIENCE AND THE RIGHT ATTITUDE AND HERBALIFE PRODUCTS!! I have been both frustrated and amused by the number of my friends that have tried the products for a few weeks or a month -- "it's not working!" "It's taking too long!" "I like food too much!" -- it's a little hard to be detached and patient when you know what can be achieved with -- like I said earlier, patience, the right attitude (which is "I WILL SUCCEED at improving my health and losing weight!") and these magical Herbalife products.

Thirty years in the most sophisticated laboratories to produce the most absorbable, complete nutrition imaginable. Targeted -- vitamins, minerals, herbs and proteins all easily taken into the body in exactly the places necessary. Sounds good to me.

For those of you who are interested -- I won't push you, but I'd love to discuss diet and health with you. Herbalife literally saved my Patrick's life, and I am proud to distribute it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thoughts About Letting Go, Weight Included!

September 19, 2009

Just came home from seeing one of my two beautiful daughters off on a great journey. She is on an airplane to London for a year of extremely intense training as a classical Shakespearean actor. She will be studying in a highly regarded Master's program at Drama Centre, part of. She is well-prepared for this moment; I wouldn't deprive her of it for the world. My other beauty is a brilliant free-lance journalist living with her love in Paris -- working on her third (fourth if you count Hindi) language. They are amazing creatures, and I am so proud of them.

A rather large part of me I will confess wishes I had my darling girls back with me in their younger days when nothing was more important than -- me. Sigh -- that's what it all comes down to, doesn't it? But your children are not your pets; that wonderful unconditional love matures into something different and equally precious, if you're lucky. Letting go is an essential part of life.

Letting go of weight comes along with that. Sometimes the weight represents an area of life we do not want to deal with. I have read -- and seen in my life -- that victims of sexual molestation can pack on the pounds as a subconscious way of signaling "don't touch me!" I've also noticed that young women who feel uncomfortable with their sexuality and the way it is reacted to in our society can tie themselves into all sorts of unhealthy knots around food and weight gain.

And then there are the eating disorders. Whew -- we're a society that's both obsessed with food and obsessed with body image -- I don't think our habits and attitudes necessarily serve us. I spent a lot of useless time feeling like food was my enemy earlier in life. I didn't know I had a thyroid disorder (we're going to go into THAT in one of these posts -- a huge, under-reported problem in our country), and I felt like a bad person for eating ANYTHING at all.

If I had known about bulimia in those days you can bet I would have tried it. Yes, I know exactly how crazy that sounds. My body was out of control and I didn't know what to do. That's one of the reasons I decided to go into this business -- there are so many people struggling with this one issue. I've been through it myself, more than once, and I am very much interested in being of support to others who need some assistance in the consideration of what it takes for each individual -- and we are all so different -- to attain the level of weight and fitness they desire.

That's what Herbalife is all about -- conquering obesity one person at a time. I'm one! They can count me! 25 pounds in 5 months, whoo hoo!! All right, that's enough gloating from me (laughing at self) -- I'll be back soon!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Nephew Working for "The Biggest Loser" !!

I received some very interesting news from my nephew today. Seems that he has scored a job (he's very good at what he does, whatever it is) on the hit show 'The Biggest Loser." I couldn't be more thrilled, as the show operates on the same principles as the Weight Loss Challenges held by Herbalife Distributors all over the world. It is enormously popular and heading into its eighth season -- I am quite proud of my nephew, who is a very special person. I'm not sure he would want me to mention his name, so until I have that permission, I will not.

I'd only heard mentions of "The Biggest Loser" when I joined Herbalife. I had NO idea what a phenomenon it is -- a guilty pleasure for many! Full disclosure: I haven't seen it yet but I intend to -- Patrick and I both want to watch it for a while, to get a sense of their process. I will most likely become hopelessly addicted to it, but that's an occupational hazard I rather enjoy.

Simply put, this show is a weight loss competition that challenges a group of people to lose the most weight (proportionate to their height, etc.), and there are rewards involved! Prizes! Money! Sparkly Shiny Things to Win! Being involved in a difficult journey on television in front of tens of thousands of people!

And finally, and of most importance to those of us who are dealing with weight issues -- we are allowed to watch the transformation of people's lives in what I imagine to be a positive fashion -- I can't really comment at length until I've seen the show. But I appreciate any program that encourages people dealing with obesity to accomplish what seems so often to be the impossible -- weight loss. It is a huge problem, and there's a ton of misinformation out there.

As I began to learn about Herbalife I realized we even have an online Weight Loss Challenge (WLC) for those who do not have the time or inclination to leave their home, but still want to participate in a 8 week online weight loss contest. We also have regular Weight Loss Challenges all over the country in every sort of meeting place imaginable. Patrick and I are gearing up to do our first Marinwood/Terra Linda Weight Loss Challenge very soon. We'll keep you posted!

This idea of the online WLC is a concept unique to Herbalife.

Every week, we meet online for a webinar hosted by Herbalife. Weights and measurements are reported on a frequent basis -- logged in online along with our (shudder) "before" pictures -- and every week there is some sort of educational presentation relative to diet and health. The meetings are brief -- from 1/2 hour to 45 minutes. Everyone who participates has his or her own coach to report to and consult with.

It's about the mutual support. Prizes just make it more fun!

Lots of bonding has been done among participants, and large pots of money have been won! Most importantly, the online Weight Loss Challenges provides a unique opportunity to be involved in the healthy transformation of our puffy, chubby, badly-nourished selves into much healthier, sleeker versions of the same people!

Herbalife is most of all a "wellness" company -- there are scientists working in our labs globally, studying micro-nutrition so that we can continue to advance the health and well-being of all who come to us. They are cognizant of the enormity of the obesity epidemic and are dedicated to helping people conquer their problems with diet and health -- one person at a time.

I have not yet participated in the online challenges, but I'm going to be on board this time. I've lost the weight I wanted to lose -- to my astonishment and overwhelming gratitude, I AM 25 - 30 POUNDS LIGHTER THAN I WAS 5 MONTHS AGO -- 5+ POUNDS A MONTH THANKS TO HERBALIFE.


Yes I am -- I have that devoted feeling towards a product I never imagined I could love like this -- how odd! And odder still -- I have to defend my feelings toward this company, this business model, and these products. How odd and bizarre! These are the best things, nourishment-wise, that have ever happened to me, and I appreciate it when those who know me understand I don't put my name on just anything. This stuff is for real and will have my eternal gratitude, plus I'll be using it for the rest of my life.

Back soon!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Getting Ready for Burning Man

Well -- wow. Two of my "lost boys" (I suffer from prolonged "empty nest syndrome" and like a houseful of kids around) are taking advantage of the tickets to Burning Man that were given to us by Patrick's old friend Danger Ranger. We hated to pass the opportunity by, but we thought the tickets would be best used by boys in their twenties.

The tradition of Burning Man (you're wondering what this has to do with Herbalife, right?) has to do with -- well, first of all, there's no money exchange there -- just coffee and ice can be bought there. Everything else you bring or trade for.

As an Herbalife Supervisor, I am extremely fortunate to have a fantastic young man named Troy as one of my distributors. He's taking my ticket along with a few Herbalife products especially selected for the desert. As we really didn't have much to donate, we decided to concentrate on just a few items. He's going to set up a "Hydration Station" near the Medical area, where people that have had too much sun can refresh themselves with Herbalife's H30, our specially formulated hydration drink.

He'll also have protein bars (in an ice cooler!) for the hypoglycemic. This gives us a way to take the best advantage of just a small amount of products -- put them where they are most needed. Troy can get a list of people who appreciate them, and work from there! Perhaps the main office would be interested in sponsoring an event at that party of fifty thousand people. If I were the company, I certainly would be!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Weight Loss, Herbalife and Me

I was looking over the first few posts here, and realized that I hadn't talked about my weight much since I began this blog. Four months or so ago, when the adventures with Herbalife began in earnest for me, it never occurred to me that it would really work.

Fact. I was NOT a believer.

I was 40 pounds overweight and I'd been starving myself for months with absolutely no results. I've never had an easy time losing weight. For that reason I prefer to keep it off in the first place, but a combination of physical pain, immobility and a wish to drown my sorrows in ice cream demolished my willpower a few years back. After that I simply could not take the pounds off.

As said in an earlier post, something special drew me to this business; I found Herbalife during a specific meditation (Geek Secret: internet surfing late into the hours can produce a sense of timelessness as connections are made in an almost mystical way with bits of information relevant to oneself).

I'd had no prior exposure to Herbalife other than having heard the name once or twice. I liked the compensation plan*; I liked the people; I LOVE my coach. But the product? I thought it would be like any other, just some ordinary protein powder that could be had anywhere, nothing special.

Nothing special? I could not have been more wrong; and when I am wrong I love to admit it. My biases and prejudices are those of the Californian organic/natural foods devotee -- no "lab foods" for this woman! That's what I thought, that's what I believed. Of course I've always taken vitamins and I love "green" drinks -- natural "superfoods". But this Herbalife stuff -- I did not for one second
imagine that it could and would profoundly transform my body.

Four months later I am effortlessly 25 pounds lighter**. I didn't think it would work. It did. My husband has also been drinking the Formula One shakes; fortunately he hasn't lost weight but he HAS recovered from several years worth of serious, life-threatening illnesses that had devastated his immune system. Where before Patrick's coloring was grey and lifeless, he's back in the pink! He's quite literally gotten a healthy pink glow back to his skin .

Nobody could have prepared me for results like this. All around the internet there's nothing but ads for this and hype for that. But I found something that works like my own personal Fountain of Youth -- naturally I want to make this known in a way that cuts through that hype.

I mean, I think I've just been handed ten extra years I wasn't sure that I wanted! And as for Patrick, I know we're going to be able to be in one another's lives much longer because of Herbalife. Straight up. I can't believe it myself.

As for the kids we know on Herbalife (by "kids" I'm referring to people I know that are 21+ -- we have a lot of friends from all age groups), without exception they have said to me that they don't feel as well when they don't have it, and that they find themselves eating lots of things to try to achieve the same sense of grounded wellness that they feel on when they get their Herbalife shakes each day.

I hear about responses to the Herbalife products all the time now, and for once in my life I don't think it's hype. This stuff is really, really good.

* compensation plan --
the company has 7 different ways to pay its sales force (most internet marketers use 1-2 tiered plans)

** As said, I've effortlessly lost weight; for other people a tad more patience is required. But you will get excellent results if you don't give up, if you persevere. I'd be more than happy to coach you to your desired weight!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Look to the right, y'all, for information on our new Festival Nutrition Paks -- also known as B-Man Nutrition Paks. We're very proud of this new method of marketing as well as our particular product line. Contact us if you would like to discuss either.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Leadership Development Weekend Day 2

Let's see -- last time I checked in (I'm writing to you from Alaska now) I was at the Herbalife "Leadership Development Weekend" in Sacramento. As I said earlier, the Herbalife people know how to treat their distributors. Everything about the entire weekend exuded generosity of spirit, intelligence, positivity -- none of the sleaze factor that can be associated with Sales.

The presenters were terrific. People from all walks of life; each had an extraordinary success story to tell. In this terrifying economic time (for me anyway!) I appreciated hearing the different ways people had of building and managing their businesses.

Everyone who has been in the Herbalife business for a while says that it is important to get yourself to a training event like the Leadership Development Weekend. I've been turned off by other such events with a different group I'd worked with, and I wasn't sure, but I qualified for the Leadership Development Weekend, and I thought I'd be a fool if I didn't take advantage of it. They have these things for a reason -- to educate leaders, and that's what I am interested in being.

Some of the presenters were very young and loved to approach people in malls asking them if they were interested in health and nutrition -- these girls were so lively and cute! I could completely see that they might enjoy that way of doing business. I cannot think of anything I would like to do less. Fortunately, there are many different methods of doing business as an Herbalife distributor -- there's even a place for people with mild social anxiety disorder. Like me.

You have to earn the right to be present at these events -- they don't just let everyone in at the higher levels of training. You have to have demonstrated, in one way or another, adequate interest in really doing some business. In my case I didn't do anything spectacular but recognize that Herbalife was, for a passionate and disciplined person (well, I'm working on the discipline!), a way to attain financial freedom. Their compensation plan is tremendous, and the product is second to none, in my opinion.

I've known this was the company for us ever since a moment of "first contact" I'd had in my meditation over my computer. But for some reason I couldn't transmit what I felt to my partner. It had been a little depressing with Patrick and the business lately. I felt consumed by it and I wanted him to understand in the way that I did.

But I'm a person who learns by reading. Everybody learns differently. I was the one with the system on my computer and Patrick wasn't, and he wasn't connecting with the business like I was. I felt like he didn't get it, and honestly I felt he was being a drag on me. He made commitments and didn't follow through, and I began to feel that I would have to do the business alone.

But things do change, and change they did for Patrick as he listened to the stories of the Herbalife people at that weekend in Sacramento. There's something about hearing the stories of the business people who have profited so greatly from a brilliant group of products* and a generous compensation system that is set up to reward those who step out of their comfort zone and get those products into the kitchens of other people.

Patrick came home a changed man, ready to begin this business and definitely excited about it. He recruited a fantastic young man almost immediately and I simply am almost in shock at the difference a weekend like that can make. And we didn't go to any of the famous Herbalife parties; we didn't even manage to attend all of the conference as I can't sit in certain sorts of chairs for more than several hours due to old back injuries.

Still -- that weekend worked its magic, and Patrick Gavin Duffy became a proud and enthusiastic voice for Herbalife from that weekend forward! We plan to start our first cycle of "Weight Loss Challenges" in our neighborhood -- but before we do that, we're going to get some Herbalife Survival Kits put together for people going to Burning Man over Labor Day Weekend.

*I inadvertantly wrote "prouducts" -- certainly a freudian slip!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Leadership Development Weekend -- Sacramento

July 18, 2009

This weekend marks a first for Patrick and me in our careers with Herbalife -- our first time at what is called a "Leadership Development Weekend" which are occasions held periodically for the purposes of training and motivating qualified Herbalife Supervisors.* Anyone who has qualified and wants to brush up on some fundamentals, get energized by spending time with the Herbalife gang (as good a group of people as it gets, from what we can tell), should take the opportunity to attend one of these meetings. When we were registering, it felt like Christmas as we were loaded up with heaps of little gifties. Great are the rewards that come to those who understand how to succeed at this Direct Marketing business model. I could not be more serious.

I find the possibilities marketing a product like Herbalife -- no, specifically Herbalife -- quite exciting, to put it mildly. The other day I was discussing the possibilities of social networking with the representative of a new company that's sprung into existence to train people to work better with the products they are already emotionally committed to. The gentleman I was speaking with wanted to know what products I represented, and when I mentioned Herbalife, he said he'd worked with a lot of Herbalife people who were crazy about their product. He also said: Herbalife must have some compensation program! All I could say was "YES"!

Direct Marketing, or Network Marketing is a tremendously effective way of making money if you study your situation, really do your homework and apply yourself. I know this; I have seen many people make extraordinary incomes from this sort of profit sharing model. That's the chief reason we chose Herbalife -- until we truly understood and literally fell in love with the products. Now I admit -- we're new, and that's why I called this blog "Adventures with Herbalife" -- because I don't know what's going to happen. However, I will be honest about the ride!

After three months I can tell you this: I look about ten years younger, and so does Patrick. People are noticeably shocked when they see us -- I do not exaggerate. Literally, noticeably shocked. I guess I'd gone into denial about how bad it had gotten for me since I quit smoking. I wasn't smoking much -- just a few a day -- but suddenly I realized it had been for twenty years and that seemed like enough. Oh my god oh my god nothing has ever had me by the throat like that. Smoking is hard hard hard to kick.

My weight shot up and my cravings for sweets skyrocketed. My weight went from -- well, from tolerable to bovine in just a few months. For a change I didn't loathe myself too much; I did ask the Universe, God, my Higher Self -- whatever you want to call it -- I asked, I prayed for help. My body had changed; it ballooned out of proportion to take revenge on me for not smoking! I gained at least twenty pounds, and I was ten pounds overweight anyway.

But then along came Herbalife, and three months later I find myself in a room with other people who comprehend the benefits of these extraordinary products PLUS the compensation plan -- and I like them. I feel good here, comfortable. This is an excellent sign; when something is wrong for me I have an internal mechanism that will catapult me out of the situation. Not here -- I feel right at home.

And these folks are making money, tons of it. They are making it hand over fist while they help positively transform the health of their fellow humans. Furthermore, they/we have a life changing business opportunity for anyone who wants to shake things up. Whether a person needs an extra few hundred, an extra few thousand or much more -- we have business plans for every budget.

I love this company. I do. I love the products -- they have changed my life. I love the opportunity I see here, and the principle of mutual service in action all around me. The people I have met have been generous in spirit and action. One of the things about Herbalife people is that they are trained from the beginning to really listen in order to be of best service.

The basic product -- the Formula One shakes -- remind me of the magical water of the Ents in "Lord of the Rings"! Targeted cellular nutrition is the closest thing to "food magic" I can think of. We look ten years younger in 3 months -- I don't understand it but it is absolutely true. So hello out there from Julie and Patrick in Sacramento, about to go to bed after exploring old town Sacramento -- what a great day! Herbalife rocks!

* The definition of "qualification" is different for different events -- but it always has to do with RPV or Retail Point Volume, the Herbalife "gold standard". As our products are sold in over 70 countries, we speak in RPV and not in dollars; those that sell the highest RPV are rewarded amply by a company that values its sales-people very highly indeed.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summertime, and the Livin' is -- BUSY!

Hello again -- it has been far too long since I've posted in this new blog, and while I'm full of reasons and excuses, they're all boring and I won't bother you with them. There is ONE thing, though -- I've been asked to write regularly for, a liberal newsblog -- and I am thrilled. Somehow it's much easier to write for two places than for one, and I don't have a clue as to why. So here I am, and let's go! I shall attempt to be more disciplined in the future -- always a bit of a problem for me!

Since last checking in with you I've continued doing the Herbalife Formula One shakes, as I will be doing for the rest of my life. To my utter shock, my body has changed more in three months than I ever ever believed possible. And Patrick's has as well. I'm talking about visual changes, things an observant person can see. Those visual changes reflect internal changes I can only imagine, but haven't completely measured. I do know I've shed over 20 pounds, my coloring is back, and I'm beginning to get tired of people I haven't seen for a while look shocked as they reflexively look at me -- up and down, down and up -- then they get embarassed, and I save the situation by saying "yes, I have lost weight!" and of course I mention Herbalife. I've never been the type to "sell", but when a product or batch of products has saved your health and quality of life, you want to shout it to the rooftops.

And Patrick -- I have no idea how to express this. As said earlier, we'd gone through a phase in our relationship -- a sexual downturn lasting 5 1/2 years. I saw a program on telelvision the other day (sorry, I can't source this properly as I cannot remember what I was watching) where a relationship counselor said that after such a long period of sexual inactivity it was close to impossible to get those sexual fires lit again. I'm glad I didn't hear that pre-Herbalife, because my despair would have harmed my efforts to keep my relationship alive despite Patrick's physical difficulties. With Herbalife, after two mere months of Formula One shakes daily, that man is back! After three months -- all I can tell you is that we're like dizzy newlyweds -- so grateful and happy. I'm glad we were so kind to one another, as the rewards we're reaping thanks to Herbalife have made the memories of all those hard, sad years slip away.

You should see my sweetheart! Where there was a gray, lifeless pallor to his complexion, there is a healthy pink! He looks like the guy I met almost 8 years ago, and he acts like the guy I met almost 8 years ago. That he has gone from sexual dysfunction to the delicious opposite in two months is almost more than my fragile mind can handle. How can this be? Really -- how?

I can only offer my thoughts on the matter until I manage to corner some Herbalife scientists. I think that we as a culture are extraordinarily badly nourished. We're fat and we don't move around enough and we eat a ton of garbage masquerading as food. The supposedly healthy alternatives are doused in poisons and waxes and toxins of all sorts. The "organic" foods are expensive and hard to get depending on where you live. The animals we eat are raised in conditions worse than our prisons, often weak and diseased, and they die in a state of fear. How can any of this this be good for us?

Although our consciousness relative to nutrition has definitely been elevated in the last few decades, still as a country our habits are abysmal. There is an obesity epidemic raging, bringing with it attendant diseases such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, heart conditions and a host of other problems our society cannot afford to pay for. We have GOT to get a grip on this problem of national malnutrition. Although it is odd to consider that a nation of such large people can be malnourished at the same time, it is absolutely true. One of the reasons we eat so much is that our bodies are starving. As our food, grown on exhausted soil drenched with deadly chemicals, becomes more and more depleted we want more and more of it. This is not working out very well for us, as our national levels of obesity and attendant diseases skyrocket, along with their physical, emotional and finalcial tolls. We must continue to consider the effects of every bite we take upon our personal bodies and ultimately upon our national health care system, which is breaking under the very weight of us.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Herbalife - The Mark Hughes and Herbalife Story By Christopher Reid

Herbalife - The Mark Hughes and Herbalife Story
By []Christopher Reid

Herbalife started as one young man's dream more than 29 years ago. Mark Hughes was just 18 years old when his mother Joan passed away from an accidental drug overdose of prescription weight loss pills.

Being a part time model and actress in L.A, Joan struggled with her weight for many years and finding a convenient and effective weight loss method as a single working mom in the late 1970's held little alternatives other than diet pills. Diet drugs are highly addictive, have terrible side effects and make it difficult to sleep so Joan also took sleeping pills and unfortunately she had an overdose and died.

This event and the situation of Mark Hughes life impacted him so profoundly that Mark decided that he would make a difference in the world by finding a safe and effective alternative to the diet drugs and pills that had killed his mom.

Mark had an interest in nutrition and particularly in Chinese Herbs. He studied these herbs and travelled to all parts of China speaking with the Chinese Herbal Doctors and discovered firsthand the incredible health benefits these herbs held on the human body. The Chinese Mark discovered had been using these herbs for thousands of years as their medicine.

Despite having no medical background, never finishing high school, no business background and no money Mark managed to find some who would listen to his idea and with their help and support and 1 year of testing and refining together they formulated "Formula 1." A meal replacement made with soy protein, vitamins and herbs. Mark wanted to help people lose weight by replacing 2 meals a day with this formula and thereby reduce calories while still getting 100% of all the nutrition the cells needed for optimum health. And "Cellular Nutrition" was born.

In February 1980 at 23 years of age Mark got his first customer on the product, his granny Mimi, who lost 20 pounds and introduced 20 of her friends.

The word quickly spread that not only were people losing weight on this product but because their systems were being cleansed from the herbs, they started looking younger, getting more energy, blood pressure normalised and many other health benefits ensued and at the end of its first year Herbalife had sold more than US$2 million dollars.

Now armed with a whole heap of incredible health AND income testimonials the company quickly grew.
In 1981 US$10 Million
In 1982 US$52 Million
In 1983 US$148 Million
In 1984 Herbalife did US$402 Million making it the fastest growing company in US business history breaking all sorts of records and achieving remarkable things because of three very important factors.

1) The product. Mark decided right from the start that the Herbalife products would be made with the latest in science, technology and medical discoveries and no amount of time, effort or cost would diminish from that #1 purpose. The products would be the best form of food for the human body that money could buy. Combining Chinese Herbal wisdom of more than 6000 years with Western Nutritional technology and making it consumable, easy to prepare and tasty was certainly a task, but Mark Hughes and the team of doctors and scientists accomplished that.

Today the Herbalife product range includes weight management, targeted nutrition, outer nutrition, and personal care. All made with natural herbal ingredients and all designed to cleanse and nourish the cells of the body for maximum health results.

2) Personal Coaching. Mark realised the need for a "personalised" approach to weight loss. He knew that selling the products off a super market shelf would diminish its effectiveness so Mark decided that the best way to 'change the world' was with Multi Level Marketing. Through MLM not only would the consumer get the best products but they would also get the best service by having a Herbalife Distributor as their personal coach to assist them.

3) The Compensation Plan. Mark realised that for his dream of "making the world healthier", to become real he would need a highly motivated team of distributors and so Mark created the compensation plan to beat all others.

1st The Compensation Plan pays a maximum of 50% on all sales. From high school students to moms, to taxi driver and even your family doctor making sales means helping someone improve health, and thereby adding a couple hundred or thousands of extra dollars to your monthly income.

2nd Reward distributors who grew an organization to help with the 'Dream'. From 1 distributor to 100,000 you would be paid fairly on all of your team including wholesale commissions of up to 25%, royalties 15% and infinite bonuses up to 7%, vacations and World Wide Sales Bonuses amounting to 1% of annual turnover. In all Herbalife pays 73% of all product sales back to its distributor base making it the highest paying and fairest compensation plan in the entire industry.

Today the records speak for themselves. 29 years in business, 70 countries, US$3.8 Billion in 2008, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Nobel Prize winning scientists, UCLA medical advisory board, over 100 Million RECORDED testimonials, the Herbalife Family Foundation supporting at risk children all over the world and landmark sports sponsorship deals including the L.A Galaxy and David Beckham are just some of the achievements. But most incredibly Herbalife is officially the "Number 1 Weight Loss Company in the Entire World!"

It is true that 'One man can make a difference!' Mark Hughes has proven that anyone with a dream and the determination to make that dream a reality can change the world for the better.

If you like the sound of this company and are interested to learn more then click here... []Herbalife

Click Here For A More In Depth Review Of []Herbalife

Article Source:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Introduction -- the Why of the Why

This post by Julie: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary what in the world I was going to do with my life, I decided to ask my computer. Do a little magical gazing, as it were.

What? You did -- what?

I decided to ask my computer. I love my computer more than anything outside of the people/animal kingdom, but I'd always thought of it as a distraction. It never occurred to me to use this thing I love so much to make money. I'd come to a dangerous dead-end in my life. I'd raised my children so well that they actually felt independent enough to -- leave me. I didn't foresee the emotional devastation of the "empty nest syndrome".

My money, which I'd thought would last for the rest of my life, was about to run out. Our heater exploded for the last time that fall, and early in January 2009, on his birthday, my partner fell in a ditch, breaking a bone in his right hand and two ribs. We were cold, hungry, miserable, in pain and scared to death.

One night I was at the computer, thinking about my particular gifts and opening myself up to the possibility of finding something I would want to do with passion. That was the night I found Herbalife and Global Home Business Systems (GHBS).

I knew nothing about Herbalife when I first came across the website. But the moment I made the connection, that I saw the word "Herbalife" something in me shouted "THIS IS IT!!" and I literally began jumping for joy on the spot. I do not exaggerate -- I felt like I had found something amazing! That was around March, and the things I have experienced and seen have been astonishing. Yes, you heard me -- I said ASTONISHING.

Yes, it is true, and I freely admit it. Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am an intelligent woman of sound mind ready to tell you I have never believed in the conception of cellular regeneration until I'd had three months on the Herbalife products. But I absolutely do now. Why? Because they work, they really actually work. and they work in ways more wonderful than I had ever imagined possible. This is my own personal story, and my husband's. Our experiences, and those of the people who find us here.

What could have happened that would inspire this kind of devotion in two people who have been involved in the natural food/slow food movements for years? Changes -- undeniable, unbelievable changes. I lost over 15 pounds in 8 weeks, and I haven't been able to lose weight for years. I have a great deal of self control, but my metabolism had slowed down for several reasons, and my strategy for coping was poor -- I ate less and less and felt more and more weak. I couldn't stand eating and I couldn't move. Within a week of adding 2 Herbalife shakes a day to my diet (I wasn't replacing anything because I wasn't eating anything) I started to lose weight. It has been unbelievable. I have gone from the heaviest I've ever been to about half of the way to my goal weight, AND I'm still on the way down. That is INCREDIBLE, and I want to help people have the kind of success I've had. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in our country, and there's a way out! Come with us on our Herbalife Adventure!

I've talked a bit about my experiences. My husband Patrick has also had a deep and positive response to adding Herbalife shakes and vitamins to his daily regimen. For the entire 7 1/2 years we've been together, Patrick's health had been declining, and an unseen killer was teeming in his bloodstream. He had an advanced case of gum disease, and bacteria were on the verge of overwhelming his fragile body. He went to sleep at 7 pm and would arise at noon the next day, never feeling refreshed. As I was the sole support of the family at this point, he didn't want to tell me about the problem because his dentist quoted him a figure of $8000. A year later the figure had ballooned to $20,000, and this doctor wasn't about to treat people who needed to pay over time. Interestingly, he only ever spoke in terms of dollars -- he NEVER TOLD ME that Patrick could be in danger from this condition, and only by grace and the miraculous did I put information together in time to get Patrick on antibiotics before his heart was overwhelmed -- I know in my being that I could have lost him -- that I almost in fact did..

He recovered, but not completely. A year later he got a job as a food demonstrator (not very satisfying for an artist/geographer) and within a few weeks had a nagging cough. He was diagnosed with pneumonia and went on antibiotics. He seemed to get better but several weeks later we were up in the mountains and I realized that Patrick still had pneumonia, and we were nowhere near medical help. He survived, but again did not thrive. There had been such continual attacks on his system that, according to one doctor, his entire hormonal balance was thrown off. I could have told them that his testosterone count was low.

Despite an intensely passionate relationship, after only two years and seemingly overnight, our sexual connection virtually ended. He was barely over fifty, and had never ever had a sexual problem. In fact, the opposite had always been true -- he's said "if I could be stricken down, ANYBODY could". So for over five years we lived together pretty much platonically. We kissed a lot and stayed close, but nothing worked. There was barely a sign of life, no matter what we did. And I lost hope. And while I lost hope I gained weight, because -- what difference did it make?

Fortunately, our devotion to one another was great, and we had enough discipline to avoid ripping one another to shreds over -- everything. So why in the world bring the details of our personal suffering up in this sort of forum? The best sort of reason -- we found a family of food supplements that completely changed our lives -- from my hitherto IMPOSSIBLE weight loss to the beautiful healthy color of Patrick's skin. After only two months of using the Herbalife products on a daily basis, my sweetheart is back and our lovelife is back on track again -- after 5 and one half years, people!! I had completely given up hope.

If you'd like to research our products, go to " For info on the online weight loss challenges, go to "". If you are interested in working from home, online, either part or full time, go to "" -- because of our particular economy, the time is right for this sort of work. More on that later!