Saturday, July 18, 2009

Leadership Development Weekend -- Sacramento

July 18, 2009

This weekend marks a first for Patrick and me in our careers with Herbalife -- our first time at what is called a "Leadership Development Weekend" which are occasions held periodically for the purposes of training and motivating qualified Herbalife Supervisors.* Anyone who has qualified and wants to brush up on some fundamentals, get energized by spending time with the Herbalife gang (as good a group of people as it gets, from what we can tell), should take the opportunity to attend one of these meetings. When we were registering, it felt like Christmas as we were loaded up with heaps of little gifties. Great are the rewards that come to those who understand how to succeed at this Direct Marketing business model. I could not be more serious.

I find the possibilities marketing a product like Herbalife -- no, specifically Herbalife -- quite exciting, to put it mildly. The other day I was discussing the possibilities of social networking with the representative of a new company that's sprung into existence to train people to work better with the products they are already emotionally committed to. The gentleman I was speaking with wanted to know what products I represented, and when I mentioned Herbalife, he said he'd worked with a lot of Herbalife people who were crazy about their product. He also said: Herbalife must have some compensation program! All I could say was "YES"!

Direct Marketing, or Network Marketing is a tremendously effective way of making money if you study your situation, really do your homework and apply yourself. I know this; I have seen many people make extraordinary incomes from this sort of profit sharing model. That's the chief reason we chose Herbalife -- until we truly understood and literally fell in love with the products. Now I admit -- we're new, and that's why I called this blog "Adventures with Herbalife" -- because I don't know what's going to happen. However, I will be honest about the ride!

After three months I can tell you this: I look about ten years younger, and so does Patrick. People are noticeably shocked when they see us -- I do not exaggerate. Literally, noticeably shocked. I guess I'd gone into denial about how bad it had gotten for me since I quit smoking. I wasn't smoking much -- just a few a day -- but suddenly I realized it had been for twenty years and that seemed like enough. Oh my god oh my god nothing has ever had me by the throat like that. Smoking is hard hard hard to kick.

My weight shot up and my cravings for sweets skyrocketed. My weight went from -- well, from tolerable to bovine in just a few months. For a change I didn't loathe myself too much; I did ask the Universe, God, my Higher Self -- whatever you want to call it -- I asked, I prayed for help. My body had changed; it ballooned out of proportion to take revenge on me for not smoking! I gained at least twenty pounds, and I was ten pounds overweight anyway.

But then along came Herbalife, and three months later I find myself in a room with other people who comprehend the benefits of these extraordinary products PLUS the compensation plan -- and I like them. I feel good here, comfortable. This is an excellent sign; when something is wrong for me I have an internal mechanism that will catapult me out of the situation. Not here -- I feel right at home.

And these folks are making money, tons of it. They are making it hand over fist while they help positively transform the health of their fellow humans. Furthermore, they/we have a life changing business opportunity for anyone who wants to shake things up. Whether a person needs an extra few hundred, an extra few thousand or much more -- we have business plans for every budget.

I love this company. I do. I love the products -- they have changed my life. I love the opportunity I see here, and the principle of mutual service in action all around me. The people I have met have been generous in spirit and action. One of the things about Herbalife people is that they are trained from the beginning to really listen in order to be of best service.

The basic product -- the Formula One shakes -- remind me of the magical water of the Ents in "Lord of the Rings"! Targeted cellular nutrition is the closest thing to "food magic" I can think of. We look ten years younger in 3 months -- I don't understand it but it is absolutely true. So hello out there from Julie and Patrick in Sacramento, about to go to bed after exploring old town Sacramento -- what a great day! Herbalife rocks!

* The definition of "qualification" is different for different events -- but it always has to do with RPV or Retail Point Volume, the Herbalife "gold standard". As our products are sold in over 70 countries, we speak in RPV and not in dollars; those that sell the highest RPV are rewarded amply by a company that values its sales-people very highly indeed.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summertime, and the Livin' is -- BUSY!

Hello again -- it has been far too long since I've posted in this new blog, and while I'm full of reasons and excuses, they're all boring and I won't bother you with them. There is ONE thing, though -- I've been asked to write regularly for, a liberal newsblog -- and I am thrilled. Somehow it's much easier to write for two places than for one, and I don't have a clue as to why. So here I am, and let's go! I shall attempt to be more disciplined in the future -- always a bit of a problem for me!

Since last checking in with you I've continued doing the Herbalife Formula One shakes, as I will be doing for the rest of my life. To my utter shock, my body has changed more in three months than I ever ever believed possible. And Patrick's has as well. I'm talking about visual changes, things an observant person can see. Those visual changes reflect internal changes I can only imagine, but haven't completely measured. I do know I've shed over 20 pounds, my coloring is back, and I'm beginning to get tired of people I haven't seen for a while look shocked as they reflexively look at me -- up and down, down and up -- then they get embarassed, and I save the situation by saying "yes, I have lost weight!" and of course I mention Herbalife. I've never been the type to "sell", but when a product or batch of products has saved your health and quality of life, you want to shout it to the rooftops.

And Patrick -- I have no idea how to express this. As said earlier, we'd gone through a phase in our relationship -- a sexual downturn lasting 5 1/2 years. I saw a program on telelvision the other day (sorry, I can't source this properly as I cannot remember what I was watching) where a relationship counselor said that after such a long period of sexual inactivity it was close to impossible to get those sexual fires lit again. I'm glad I didn't hear that pre-Herbalife, because my despair would have harmed my efforts to keep my relationship alive despite Patrick's physical difficulties. With Herbalife, after two mere months of Formula One shakes daily, that man is back! After three months -- all I can tell you is that we're like dizzy newlyweds -- so grateful and happy. I'm glad we were so kind to one another, as the rewards we're reaping thanks to Herbalife have made the memories of all those hard, sad years slip away.

You should see my sweetheart! Where there was a gray, lifeless pallor to his complexion, there is a healthy pink! He looks like the guy I met almost 8 years ago, and he acts like the guy I met almost 8 years ago. That he has gone from sexual dysfunction to the delicious opposite in two months is almost more than my fragile mind can handle. How can this be? Really -- how?

I can only offer my thoughts on the matter until I manage to corner some Herbalife scientists. I think that we as a culture are extraordinarily badly nourished. We're fat and we don't move around enough and we eat a ton of garbage masquerading as food. The supposedly healthy alternatives are doused in poisons and waxes and toxins of all sorts. The "organic" foods are expensive and hard to get depending on where you live. The animals we eat are raised in conditions worse than our prisons, often weak and diseased, and they die in a state of fear. How can any of this this be good for us?

Although our consciousness relative to nutrition has definitely been elevated in the last few decades, still as a country our habits are abysmal. There is an obesity epidemic raging, bringing with it attendant diseases such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, heart conditions and a host of other problems our society cannot afford to pay for. We have GOT to get a grip on this problem of national malnutrition. Although it is odd to consider that a nation of such large people can be malnourished at the same time, it is absolutely true. One of the reasons we eat so much is that our bodies are starving. As our food, grown on exhausted soil drenched with deadly chemicals, becomes more and more depleted we want more and more of it. This is not working out very well for us, as our national levels of obesity and attendant diseases skyrocket, along with their physical, emotional and finalcial tolls. We must continue to consider the effects of every bite we take upon our personal bodies and ultimately upon our national health care system, which is breaking under the very weight of us.